Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prompt #2

Review Research Topic Summaries Below and articulate why you see one of these as most relevant to you right now:
Understanding by Design – Wiggins & McTighe (Garcia)
Differentiation strategies (Holwerda)
Critical Thinking (Guthrie)


  1. Differentiation strategies have been on my mind all week, specifically a statement I included in the summary. “Differentiated instruction is based upon the belief that students learn best when they make connections between the curriculum and their own interests and experiences, and that the greatest learning occurs when students are pushed slightly beyond the point where they can work without assistance.” This is relevant to me right know because when I return to the classroom I will have the goal of stretching every student. I don’t think I will necessarily succeed with every student, but it’s worthwhile to try. Not settling for teaching at a level that challenges most will be an ongoing learning process for me.

  2. I would say that Critical thinking is the most relevant to me right now. It seems that no matter what class you are teaching or what the content is, critical thinking skills are essential and beneficial in EVERY field and even beyond academia. My fiance is studying to become a college professor and is currently a TA at Tech. He said the other day that it's fairly obvious his students have just been taught to make the grade and please the teacher rather than actually think. I fear schools are doing just that, not teaching students to think critically...or even think for that matter, just go through the motions and talk the talk so they can go home and do it again tomorrow. Sorry, that's my skeptical side coming through. I trust that there are teachers who challenge their students to question the facts and to think for themselves.

  3. Critical Thinking: As Science teacher that I want to be, Critical Thinking is a skill that I intent to use in my class constantly. Students will have to generate hypothesis, think about how they will carry out experiments, how they will solve problems if experiments do not go right as we planned, write lab reports, and think critically to answer questions. This is the skill that once developed; it will prepare students not only for their college career, but also will prepare them to think critically when they are called to solve problems in their future jobs.

  4. Differentation strategies is the most relevant area for me right now. I deal with this issue alot in working with special ed. kids. We are constantly trying to find ways to link the learning we are working with to their own personal life. I agree with this concept in that if we can tie a concept to something happening in their life then it is easier for them to wrap their mind around it. We simply call it modifying. I am lucky in that our principle pretty much gives the inclusion department a carte blanc in this area.

  5. Differentiated instruction is the most relevant to me right now. Getting to know my students and observing the variety of learning styles, interests and abilities of each student can help me to modify instruction. Preparing a curriculum that challenges each student and incorporates something that is of interest to them makes a huge difference. We as teachers can not expect our students to be successful if we do not take measures to connect learning to something that is familiar to them.

  6. Differentiation Strategies is the most relevant to me now. I have a couple of people under me and I have to know that the work they do is right. I might have to teach them how to operate a certain type of equipment and both learn different.

  7. I think critical thinking is the most relevent to me. With studying for my Master's, work, and even more so with my high school son. I don't think he is necessarily being taught without critical thinking, but he seems to only want to memorize and please the teachers. I have been attempting more tasks that cause him to THINK things through. He also has trouble when I tell him sometimes that there is no right or wrong answer, only his own interpretation or observation. He has great difficulty with that, usually responding that there HAS TO BE a right answer.

  8. Differentation strategies would be the most congruent with my situation. School systems are just so varied in multiple ways. I often feel like I find myself neglecting the needs of one group or individual to take care of the needs of another. What I would really like to improve on is finding a way to motivate the kids that are excelling to extend their own learning while I work with the kids struggeling. Often the kids that get it quickly just throw their hands up and say, "I get it, I'm done now".

  9. Critical thinking is most relevant for me as a new teacher. I believe critical thinking is an important foundation for everything that goes on in the classroom. Whether I am building lessons plans, creating the environment, or providing different instructional strategies, critical thinking is 'critical'.

  10. Not to be partial to my own presentation, but I believe critical thinking is crucial for teaching right now. With the implementation of the STAAR, which will have more higher level "college readiness" questions, I believe we need to focus on these critial thinking aspects in order to prepare students for the standardized testing that is to come.
